Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Few More Pictures of Our Adventures

We are just getting ready to head off on our diving adventure to the island of Catalina. I just wanted to post a few more pictures of the fun we are having.

 Sometimes we have romantic, quiet dinners on our balcony. 

The peacock is a resident around here, roaming around the resort all day long. There are several females, but I have only seen this one beautiful male.

This is on the "other side of the tracks". We are eating off the resort and mixing with the locals. It gets a little sketchy every now and then, but it is fun to see the culture.

And we had coconuts fresh from a tree yesterday! One of the maintenance men was climbing the trees and picking coconuts and he brought one to both Cory and I. They are totally different than the ones you find in the states. Cory drank the milk, but he couldn't even eat the flesh because it was so slimy (he is a texture person). It really was quite weird... in the picture of my eating it, you can see it hanging off my eating utensil (which was part of the shell that the guy hatchetted off for me... so cool).

This train takes people to and from the beach all day long. It is a nice little walk, but a fun little drive as well.

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