Thursday, March 27, 2014

Simple Pleasures

It was with great intent I gave my blog the tagline, “simple pleasures.” I think it is of the most importance to find happiness out of the little things in life. After all, what is life but a succession of seemingly insignificant events which merge together to mold the monumental happenings.

I love my life. I love it because there is so much pleasure to be found in every single day.

Cory and I go through phases in which we have certain habits and traditions within our everyday life. I have learned to look forward to and love these little things which are uniquely ours.

It has been well over a year now since we have christened Saturdays to be our date night. After we got married I came to realize that the term "date" does not have to be specific to getting dressed up and going out. In fact, my favorites these days are not. Our special Saturday event consists of staying home and making homemade pizza. It may seem rather simple, or silly, but because we do it together, it makes it such fun.

I throw the ingredients in my bread maker so that right about the time we are both home from work and ready to begin our evening, a pile of fresh delicious pizza dough is waiting (lately made from my freshly ground whole wheat…. Makes me feel less guilty for sure). Cory rolls out the dough (he is quite good at it…. Though he is not yet able to throw it up in the air like the Italians…he tries sometimes). We each pick our own toppings and make our own (rather large) individual pizzas. Jalapenos, garlic, onions, chicken (sometimes steak yummm)…. Heaps of mozzarella, BBQ sauce instead of marinara. We really have this thing down to a science.

While we wait eagerly for the pizza to be done, Cory will go download a funny show for us to watch, and get scrabble all ready to go. This is the one night we do not eat together at the dinner table; no it is quite casual (I am not going to lie…. Clothing is optional on pizza night). Sometimes we will throw a cocktail into the mix and get all cozy upstairs with the whole evening before us. I used to cut myself a few pieces and bring them up….. but these days, I just bring the whole thing. Probably not wise since I end up eating way more, but oh well.

This month, for one reason or another, we missed pizza night for two weekends in a row. Last Saturday (and probably Friday even) I kid you not, I felt the excitement bubbling up inside of me. It’s not just the pizza (though I must say, it is delicious), it is the whole experience. We are laid back, the week is over, we are happy, we are together, and we set other things aside in order to give each other all of the attention.

This post is for me guys. I want to remember these fun things we do. It may seem like a small thing, but it is a tradition of this season in life that we are in. And I know how quickly the seasons come and go. For that reason, it is important to jot down the details for the sake of the memory. And I encourage you to do the same.

These are the little simple pleasures that make life worthy of the grand word ‘living’. All of the little moments, traditions, and habits, which are continually evolving.


  1. Homemade pizza night sounds amazing! I love the little traditions that we're able to create in marriage!

    1. it is so much fun because all of the traditions you create will be special to your marriage specifically. my parents talk about the threads that have woven their life together in the last 42 years. all these little things are our very own thread!


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