Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cheers to a New Year Continued

Because last week’s link-up was so much fun, I am going to participate in “Cheers to a New Year” again today. The months pass away so quickly, sometimes it is good to just sit and think about what events exactly swallowed up all of that time.

This week’s time frame is July, August, and September. So here we go, a little reminiscing about my year. 


Cory was working on a job in Tahoe with two of my brothers-in law. So my two sisters and their FIVE children piled up in a couple cars to drive 10 (but what took 12) hours to visit them. We camped for two weeks. It was quite an experience. Tahoe was beautiful! The guys were working crazy hours. Sometimes they did not get back to camp until midnight. So after the kids were asleep, us girls would wrap ourselves in blankets and play cards by the lantern light. Additionally… all three of us became completely dependent on Starbucks AT LEAST once a day, we had s’mores nights, and made secret donut runs. We claimed we needed these things to cope with our situation, but I really was having a blast “roughing” it. 

Cory got home and continued working like crazy. My grandma, who has a beautiful beach house, left town for a few weeks and invited my family to stay while she was away. And so, when Cory could get a little time off, we spent four nights at the beach. It was beautiful. Additionally, with the waning of summer, we were able to end our Disney drought and take a family trip to the happiest place on earth.

This was a crazy month. So busy. Cory left for Tahoe again. I went off to Vegas with my family, and there I celebrated by 26th birthday. Crazy. I always feel like I am 22 or something. But alas, I suppose I really must be getting older. The weekend after we got home from Vegas, my sisters and I made the trek to Tahoe once more. This time we behaved ourselves a little better. I ran every day, and we did not make donut runs… still had the coffee though. The boys were not working as crazy of hours, so we got to spend a lot more time with them. After church one Sunday, Cory and I went to Virginia City, walked around and had dinner. What a charming place!
Well, that was actually a pretty exciting chunk of my year as well. We were really all over the place this year it seems. And it was so much fun. What a wonderful, though sometimes challenging, adventure is this life we lead!
Peach State of Mind


  1. so many fun memories!! thanks for sharing :)

    stopping by from the link-up!

    1. hi Megan! Thanks for stopping by :) It was a fun year indeed. Memories are the best :)

  2. Fun summer!!!! Hope you had a great time in my hometown, Vegas :)

    1. Love Vegas! We Go Every Year In September. Your Comment Just Made Me Realize I Forgot To Add Pictures Of Vegas. So Sad!


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