Monday, February 24, 2014

Thank Goodness For a Clean Slate

First off…. Let’s start this week off right with a little confession and therefore a clean slate. Yesterday I consumed an ENTIRE box of girl scout cookies (caramel delights are so dangerous) AND (what seemed like) half a pie!!! What skinny fit girl does that??? But, I do not believe in having regrets, therefore I don’t.

Now that I have that off my chest, moving on.

Yet another week under my belt in this journey called life. I wish I could say that my week was packed full of inspiration and profundity. No such luck. It was one of those weeks….. you know the kind where you feel a little low and you are not sure why? However I dealt with it very maturely in the form of this post (and perhaps some extra cookies and pie). You would never have known. Right?

Anyway, I was very studious with Photoshop last week. Yay me! spent a lot of time reading, learning functions and tools, and watching you tube videos. So, though I don’t have many photos that I feel I did I good job with, I am developing a fraction of understanding of the system. And a few weeks ago, I had no idea when that was going to come to pass!

My goals for this week are:

- Throw away two pairs of shoes… I definitely don’t wear them all

- Clean out and organize my dresser.

- Make the starter so I can start baking my own sourdough (I did this once and it didn’t turn out so well… so here is to try number 2).

- Fifty squats a day. Finished the challenge last week woohoo, so this week I am going to take a little challenge break and do squat maintenance. 

- Do one photo shoot. I am supposed to be working on my photography portfolio and it has been going very slow!

As I bonus I am going to work on having a good attitude and being thankful for all of the blessings that I have. This is not usually a struggle, but I can always be better.

What extra things do you want to accomplish this week? Jot down a few ideas and make it a good week!


  1. I want some girl scout cookies!!! :)

  2. I hope your sourdough turns out. My first attempt at a starter was last fall. It went well and I love working with it. The best resource I found was the King Arthur Flour website. They have really helpful troubleshooting tips and delicious recipes. I'm not affiliated with them at all, but just found the website extremely helpful. Good luck!

    1. Thank you for the sourdough tip! I will for sure check that out. I live at high altitude so I think that could have something to do with it the complications.... but we will see how it goes :)

  3. I love this list! I was just thinking last night that I should get back into doing squats and reading this post just reminded me of it, definitely going to do that.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Chantel! I would swear by squats for how they shape my backside. Seriously. I just finished the squat challenge for the 2nd time. I just got into the habit, like brushing my teeth every night :)

  4. Writing down what you want to do is definitely an effective way of making sure you get it done! (For me, the biggest part is that it helps me remember what I wanted to do in the first place!

    1. haha so true. Plus I just love checking things off a list :-)


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